It may take me a little while to respond - but I always do!
It is SUCH a pet peeve of mine when I comment or even tweet to a fellow blogger and I get no response. Nothing. Ziltch. I don't even mind if it takes a few days...but not to have ANY response? It's just rude.
I'm not saying I'm perfect - I'm not. I'm sure there are a couple that fall through the crack. I hope not many. And if I've done it to you - I apologize!!

Is it common practice for you? Do you respond to comments and tweet from bloggers - even if they're new to your blog?

Ugh I am so bad at this. I try to respond - but lately I have been slacking. I have so many reasons why - but usually I end up feeling like a jerk when I can't respond. So if I haven't responded - please know it's never personal. My life is CRAZY! And e-mail sometimes makes it feel CRAZIER.
ReplyDeleteHowever I think as a fellow blogger we should always try to respond to comments - or at least visit the comment leavers blog and spread the love.
This is a nice reminder that I should keep on top of this. Thanks :)
ha ha I hear ya!! :)
ReplyDeleteI always try to respond, but I'm sure a few have slipped through the cracks before. I hate it when people don't have their email linked to their account so I can't reply. Like when it comes from that noreply email address.
ReplyDeleteIt's so true! I especially think it's nice to respond via email or even tweet. Something that lets the reader know that you've commented instead of just replying straight on the blog so the reader has to go back to that particular post to see if you've responded.
ReplyDeleteThanks for speaking up for us newbies-)...I make a big effort to respond to every comment/email and I think I would feel guilty if I didn't respond..especially if I did have 6000 followers. Love your blog! So glad I stumbled onto it!
I try to respond to every tweet/comment ... but sometimes I know I miss a few here and there :(
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS try to respond, every now and then some fall through.
ReplyDeleteI wish everyone responded back, but some people just aren't that ay.
I agree! Sometimes I suck at responding but I always try and make it up and apologize at some point for forgetting. There's bloggers I was "friends" with when they had 100 followers and they responded to every email, every tweet but once they got 500+ followers, they stopped responding. It may be hard to do but I think if someone takes the time to read your blog, you should make the time to respond! :)
ReplyDeleteI try to respond to any comments, and if they do not have a reply email address attached to the comment I will try to recommend back on my blog. I agree with you! Being still fairly new to the blog world, I find it very discouraging when more established bloggers don't respond back. I understand that they probably have soooo many comments that they can't respond to them all, but if I've commented on your blog several times, at least say something.
ReplyDeleteI try my best to respond to every comment because I'm thankful that people take the time to read my blog let alone share a comment with me. Have I missed some? I'm sure. Do some comments not require a response? Sometimes. For me, I comment back to let people know I appreciate them visiting my spot in the blog world!
ReplyDeleteI do my best. Usually, if I'm in a hurry, I try to make a point to reply to every comment of substance. And if it's someone that I regularly comment back and forth with, I know they'll forgive me here and there.
ReplyDeleteBut I really can't stand when you tweet to a blogger and ask them a direct question, and they never reply. That's a good way to get an unfollow because it's just rude.
ONE MORE THING...People who don't have their email active, aren't getting a response. I'm sorry, I'm not hunting down a way to reply, and there's no reason to not have an email tied to your blog.
ReplyDeleteI think it's common courtesy to reply. I always try to, even if I'm a week or so late. I found that by replying I've made a lot of friends and I'm thankful for that!
ReplyDeleteIt kind of bums me out when I comment and never hear anything back. I put a lot of thought into my comments because I want the blogger to know that I really read what they wrote. I comment on anyone's blog who comments on mine. Comments make my day and I hope mine make theirs!
ReplyDeleteI try to comment or reply back all the time. Except when I accidently deleted 46 emails from my inbox last month. Yikes! What a ding bat move on my part!
ReplyDeleteI try to respond {eventually} to all comments. However, if it was a blogging friend who left a comment, I am more likely to check out their latest post and leave a comment there.
ReplyDeletei try to respond to comments as much as i can especially new bloggers to invite them to my blog and thank them for stopping by. but it can be so tiring to respond to all comments especially if the commenter doesn't have their email linked up to their blog
ReplyDeleteI always try to respond but I get a lot of new commenters who have a "no reply" since their email isn't linked to their comments :(
ReplyDeleteI'd love to respond to some of my new followers so they can see I'll interact with them and answer their questions, but a lot of them have it set up so I can't which upsets me.
I try very hard to respond to everyone that posts. I understand your frustration though, I've been on the receiving end of that. :(
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! I try and respond to every comment that is made on my blog. I'm a little behind right now, but I'm getting back into the swing of things.
ReplyDeleteHey there! Just stumbled upon your blog from one of my favs, Emily Hope from Hope Squared. I had to comment because this issue has been pestering my brain for months!
ReplyDeleteI used to think this way- that I had to respond to each and every comment. I kept it up for a while. Not to sound rude, but I've come to the conclusion that it's almost impossible to keep up with, extremely exhausting, and demotivating.
I try my best to respond to every comment and tweet, but as your blog grows you easily become a slave to your inbox. Responding to each and every comment takes hours upon hours... and meanwhile I'm putting other priorities on the back burner. Time is precious- to yourself, your family, and your own blog. When I dedicated all those hours to responding to comments I end up spending less time preparing good content for my blog, and even less time towards life priorities such as cleaning up my house, cooking dinner, and spending time with my husband.
I would spend hours reading and commenting on blogs that I had no interest in out of obligation- sorry if that's harsh, but it's true. After a while I figured if people are only commenting to get a response back then I'd rather they not comment. I don't expect anything from anyone- it's for my own personal enjoyment, I comment to make them feel good, and I don't take it personal if they don't respond- because frankly, I'm busy doing other things, I don't even notice. If I really want a response, I'll send an email.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate each and every comment and each follow. The kind words provide priceless motivation to me and keep me going. I still make consistent efforts to respond to the comments that move me, and I try to make my way around and try to say hi at some point. But bottom line is, no one has time to keep up with 1000's of friends in real life, nor should they be expected to in blog world. Sometimes I feel guilty about it, but it's just like in real life friends- you know they have their own lives, and you hope when you reconnect you can pick up where you left off.
I always answer back and I feel the same way. I just took a poll actually earlier this evening about whether people prefer to have a comment back in the comment section or via email. What do you prefer?
ReplyDeleteI do my best to try to respond to everyone who comments on my posts. Do you get my responses? When I get the email notification from Disqus, it doesn't show an email address for you, so I often wonder if you get a notification of a response. Where there is an email address for a commenter, I always cc the email address in addition to replying Disqus so it goes on the blog AND to their email. I don't know, though, if JUST replying to Disqus sends the commenter a notification. I hope you get my responses one way or another. I always appreciate your comments! :)
ReplyDeleteI try to respond to everything. Sometimes I forgot or don't see something, and if a certain amount of time has passed and I deem it too awkward, I don't reply.
ReplyDeleteLike many of the comments above, I try really hard but have found myself slacking...even on my own blog! I promise to try harder and I appreciate that you took the time to speak to those of us who need a little reminder sometimes :). Take care, as always, I LOVE your blog!
I feel the same way, I feel so guilty when I don't check my email and reply to everyone!
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree!
ReplyDeleteEveryone deserves a reply. If not immediately, later, but yes, do respond!
Girl, you are such a motivation! I've just started realizing how important it is to respond to comments, and believe me - I appreciate SO much the comments I receive (especially yours - always so uplifting!). I'm going to work harder to do better in this, and I'm going to bookmark this post to help me remember. :)
ReplyDeleteok, I'm testing it out ...
just kidding, you don't have to respond. I'm late on this anyways. And I'm late finding your blog! Where the heck have I been?
aww cami...i hope you don't take offense that i don't write back to comments.
ReplyDeletei've always gone to the blogger's page and commented back and thanked them after leaving them a comment and reading their post.
i still have to respond back to your email...don't think i forgot about ya.
or ever forget about you. :)
you're always in my prayers, pretty lady!
I have started replying back to comment on the blog post since blogger added that feature. I like the conversations that get going and then my responses to questions and such are available for all to see, not just the person who asked them. But I totally agree with you...I hate no response at all. It bums me out for sure!
ReplyDeleteI try to reply to tweets and blog comments, even if I just do a blanket "thanks for commenting." If someone specifically says or asks something that requires a response I definitely reply back.
ReplyDeleteI just found you via Hope Squared, I have a very small blog with not many followers at all so I like to reply to all comments but they are few so it's not so time consuming - for bigger blogs I think a Facebook style 'like' button would be awesome! confirmation to the person that you read their comment but not so time consuming for the blogger and you can always reply later if need be :)