Having a full-genome tested would indicate the child's eye color, height, athleticism, intelligence, and potential genetic disease.
This could lead to parents who know they are going to have a child with a genetic disease to terminate a pregnancy.
Would you want genetic testing done for your child's fetus?
Would you want to know if your child is going to have autism or another disorder? Or would you rather raise your child on your own - without thinking your child has X disease?
Conversation time again!

Interesting topic. What made you think of it?
ReplyDeleteEven though the hubby and I won't be pregnant, we sort of have the luxury of "hand-picking" which type of child we can adopt. We are open to any, because we know the perfect child will be ours. It doesn't matter what eye color, skin color or disorder. Every babe needs love, right?
I think I would just want to know if my child was going to have any disorders or genetic diseases so that we could be prepared for what is coming. I don't think its necessary to know things like eye color, athleticism...it can lead to a lot of bad decisions being made based on irrelevant things.
ReplyDeleteIntesting.. I would not. I would love the child the same no matter what so I don't think it matters. And there is no real genetic testing for autism, but yes for things like Down Syndrome. Perhaps it may be nice to prepare yourself, but I am no.
ReplyDeleteI am a definite Yes to this--in some capacity. I don't need to know eye color/intelligence/etc. But I would like to know if there were some illness. I would like to be able to prepare and become educated on the illness and treatments.
ReplyDeleteI am yes to testing for disease or a disorder. Not to determine if I would keep the child, but if there was a possibility I would want all that time to RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! I know that you can only learn so much from books, but I would rather try and be prepared than just wing it.
ReplyDeleteInteresting topic! happy friday!
I'm opting out of amniocentesis and any other tests. I know that no matter what the results were, I'd still go onto have the baby. Researching any conditions before the birth does have it's benefits, but I since the tests themselves hold a slight risk of miscarriage, it's not worth it to me since I know I'm prone to miscarriage and preterm labor. (I don't mean I'm not getting any tests, just those type of tests.) And if I could know personal traits, I don't think I'd want to. I like the surprise. :) However, if they can see the gender at my ultrasound, I'd love to know that!!
ReplyDeleteI don't even want to know the baby's gender! I want the surprise. It can be kind of dangerous to have a preconceived idea about who this person is going to be.
ReplyDeleteI'm a speech-language pathologist, so I've worked with so many different kids with so many different disorders and whether you know before your child is born or when they are 3 that something is different...I truly believe that every child that God blesses us with is a gift and that as parents we should embrace whatever journey that is (athleticism, high IQ, autism, epilepsy, etc.) If you embrace your child's journey, you never know what you will learn from your child-).
Love what Allison said!! it is so true!! If we are given the freedom to pick what we want to deal with in life, we can miss out on so many blessings because we choose the "easier" road. I do agree that it would be very handy to know ahead of time if we had a child with a disorder or abnormality that needed special care to be able to adequately prepare.
ReplyDeleteI opted out of the tests for Declan. I know that regardless of anything, we would want to have him and love him.
ReplyDeleteUnless the doctors thought it was of significant risk to myself or my child I wouldn't get it. I would have my child regardless.
ReplyDeleteI would probably get the tests that tell you if your child has Down Syndrome or some other disorder, but it would not be for the purpose of deciding whether to keep the child or not, as that would not even be an option to me. As a teacher, I know that every child is special, no matter what, and it is his/her uniqueness that makes me love each and every one of them. I just finished Bloom by Kelle Hampton- it is about a mother who gives birth to a child with Down Syndrome (without knowing beforehand) and how she grows to love the uniqueness of her daughter, and not dislike the "disorder."
ReplyDeleteNewest follower here- love this thought-provoking question.
Great questions! I think it would depend on how safe the test is for the fetus, and if the results it give would allow for some sort of early intervention of a disease. If I couldn't do anything about a disease until the baby is born anyway, then I don't need to know about it ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteMy mother had this test done for me (or similar) because she was 36 when she feel pregnant with me and my brother (who is now 37 with 4 kids) was born with his entire stomach, intestines, kidneys and a few more organs outside of his body. I found out my baby's sex through the ultrasound. I wouldn't do this test unless totally necessary.
ReplyDeleteI should start by saying I am pro-choice. I would take this test, but this would by no means determine whether or not I terminated the pregnancy. If a child is born with some complication or disease and the parents decided to keep the child, that's great -- the test would better prepare them. If they chose a different route, then that's their own choice.
ReplyDeleteahh, cami, this post hits home SO much right now.
ReplyDeleteas you know, steve and i had have tons of "experience" when it comes to heavy decisions and taking steps that might not seem "normal."
we both agree, we wouldn't have genetic testing done whenever we finally do get pregnant.
however, if steve and i are ever to genetically have a child together, we may.
i enjoyed reading the other comments on this post. :)
i hope you and v had a wonderful weekend in the sun!! <3
Argh this is a tough one. I think before you take the test you have to figure out if indeed the child was disabled, would you carry on the pregnancy and I think if you answered yes to that then there is no point taking the test. If you answer that you wouldn't continue the pregnancy then I think it is clear that you would take the test. I really dont know how I feel about it... I think if there was something in my families history then I might be more tempted... hmm... good question. Love Elle xo
ReplyDeleteI would never. I feel that if you are pregnant, God intended for you be a mother. I feel that what child He gives you and your family is what He intended your to have. Yes, it is a struggle raising children with disorders, diseases and many other things. BUT, it goes back to that 'ol saying "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." It's not meant for us to predict the life we life, its meant for us to lean on our our Savior for guidance, support, love and to always have faith in our Heavenly Father. Lessons are taught and blessing are shared.